ICOS ID is a single account KYC/AML verification and authorization tool. Verify your KYC status once and take part in various ICOs without wasting time on "re-verification".
Snowfox Technologies (https://snowfox.tech) offers white label tech solutions for blockchain startups. The company’s current 80+ clients include such successful projects as Shivom, Storiqa, Crypterium, INS ecosystem etc., and we are constantly expanding our client base.
ICOS ID account is a quick and convenient way to pass your KYC/AML check and become a KYC compliant investor across all instances of Snowfox Technologies products.
- Easy online KYC/AML verification procedure: no paperwork and turnaround time, just a few questions and photos with your phone
- International identity checks
- Express access to the ongoing tokensales: skip the sign up and identity verification process
- Single user ID: one login and password for all ICOs
- Security and data protection: reliable infrastructure, encryption, specific data transfer procedures, 2FA, etc.
- GDPR compliance: you can erase your identity data at any moment